It’s going to take a lot of hard work to convince enough Americans that he’s up to the task. No one interview, one speech, or one event is likely to move the needle by enough.
Because right now what everyone’s afraid of is a C+ campaign, where he’s just barely good enough to not drop out, but not good enough to win. Campaigning is separate from governing, and while the US Government can sort of run itself with an ineffective figurehead, it’s very difficult to win an election that way.
otterdisaster on
When you are trying to get out of a hole, stop digging.
thesayke on
I love how Biden having had a cold during the debate is resulting in him getting way more exposure now, it’s unironically awesome
MadeByTango on
Live, with open and spontaneous questions from an audience?
BarelyScratched on
I feel like Biden is trying to run out the clock by having about 1 interview a week.
He has a terrible public appearance. And then his team says “let’s see how Biden does in this interview next week!”
And then eventually they will transition into saying “ooops, sorry, there isn’t enough time for any other options!” (Not that they aren’t already kind of saying this)
Edit: the more realistic scenario is that Biden needs a week to prep for these things. And then still does a horrifying job.
Weagle1983 on
Great, another pointless scripted and recorded interview. This isn’t going to convince anyone. Do it live or not at all
Tonsabuns on
“But he’s old.”
Whilst American media is ignoring the child rapist with a set out plan for a fascist takeover.
They deserve everything that’s coming.
KaerrenKinsleigher on
“Mr. President, how would you sum up America in a single word?”
TheDadThatGrills on
At best, this is barely getting coverage because these are the basic expectations of a presidential candidate.
The cat is already out of the bag.
beecross on
Christ here we go again
ParrotTaint on
I’m glad their giving him a chair.
tarhuntah on
This is beyond painful. I don’t need to see any more. Please be a patriot(a real one) and pass the torch.
tidho on
Does Trump get these opportunities too? Thought that was required.
Gay_N_Racist on
What is the point of the interviews? Everyone saw the debate. Are they going to keep Joe in the race and try to convince us that we’re “misremembering” what we keep seeing?The classic ‘don’t believe your lying eyes’ technique.
kingofwale on
Will the questions be provided by Biden camp??
Also, will Biden still screw it up?
samoth610 on
Noooooooo…….. Oooooooooooooo…..
Redarrow762 on
Lukewarm take: Neither of these fossils want to be president and they are both shitting the bed, trying to throw the election.
Loluwish on
Make sure its before 8 so sleepy Joe can make sure he gets his sleep
PCoda on
I swear if we aren’t able to replace him with someone who can actually beat Trump before the convention, this country is screwed.
lost_james on
Let’s see how many words he fumbles now.
joeycuda on
will be as scripted and planned as Pawn Stars
fhdhsu on
God. Trump just disappearing and letting this all play out is such a smart political movie. I thought for sure he would want to open his mouth.
saul2015 on
please stop the elder abuse
PixelBrewery on
The fact that he has to basically be interrogated every few days to convince the public that his brain isn’t degenerating rapidly is the takeaway from this.
I’m sorry, but this guy didn’t even look great in 2020. The fact that his team is asking for 4 more years to lead the most powerful nation in the world is a joke. And I say that as a liberal that is terrified of Trump winning again.
Move over and let someone capable lead, for god’s sake.
Hopeann on
He’s all but done.
I just read Clooney ( one of Hollywood elites ) asked Biden to step aside.
blazelet on
They need to be doing these unscripted and live multiple times a day, every day. That’s the way to show us he’s up for the job, doing another one in …. 5 days … isn’t particularly great.
EmperorXerro on
Meanwhile, Diaper Don is missing in action…
MatthewMonster on
This is after NATO — I’m 50/50 that this could be him announcing he’s not going to run
This entire thing is depressing and dumb and the media feeding frenzy is gross
One-PercentCow on
All I know is if Biden loses this Election, it’s on him for not dropping out. Biden’s ego > American people.
ctilvolover23 on
Stop with these interviews. Just have a live press conference instead.
mikegimik on
Hope he gets to do it before his 8PM bedtime.
heavymetalhikikomori on
Drop out you selfish old turd
fohgedaboutit on
At this point Hillary would have a better chance than Joe Biden. Way to fuck it up for the entire country. We are going to loose this election to a convicted felon. What a fucking joke the DNC has become. Bernie, Hillary and now this. No lesson will ever be learned. Might as well vote red down the ballot. Give them House and Senate majority, why not? Not like Democrats give a shit about this country.
One-Earth9294 on
Well I imagine he’s not going to have game show host swagger again. That was true of Joe Biden 20 years ago.
I can handle the old man stuff fine. Just don’t say the WRONG things and mean it. That’s the more important thing to me. And it should be to everyone. The good thing about leadership is the physical demands are light and wisdom is a virtue.
HisDivineOrder on
Sure, he needs to do this, but the media won’t be appeased. They love this story because it’s so easy to do. Actual stories require effort. This is easy and it gets lots of attention. They’re not giving it up unless there’s a national emergency. Right about now is when, if it was a Republican incumbent, there’d be some kind of war or disaster to draw attention off it.
But Democrats just get her-emails’ed into the ground because Democrats are a very loose coalition that turns on itself and eats its own tail at the first sign of a problem.
Cherssssss on
This is stressful as fuck. We’re just being told by news media that Biden is useless and too old over and over again. Who is in charge of PR here? How is going out and about doing more interviews going to help at this point? We should be focusing all of our attention on Project 2025, not how old he is ffs.
It’s going to take a lot of hard work to convince enough Americans that he’s up to the task. No one interview, one speech, or one event is likely to move the needle by enough.
Because right now what everyone’s afraid of is a C+ campaign, where he’s just barely good enough to not drop out, but not good enough to win. Campaigning is separate from governing, and while the US Government can sort of run itself with an ineffective figurehead, it’s very difficult to win an election that way.
When you are trying to get out of a hole, stop digging.
I love how Biden having had a cold during the debate is resulting in him getting way more exposure now, it’s unironically awesome
Live, with open and spontaneous questions from an audience?
I feel like Biden is trying to run out the clock by having about 1 interview a week.
He has a terrible public appearance. And then his team says “let’s see how Biden does in this interview next week!”
And then eventually they will transition into saying “ooops, sorry, there isn’t enough time for any other options!” (Not that they aren’t already kind of saying this)
Edit: the more realistic scenario is that Biden needs a week to prep for these things. And then still does a horrifying job.
Great, another pointless scripted and recorded interview. This isn’t going to convince anyone. Do it live or not at all
“But he’s old.”
Whilst American media is ignoring the child rapist with a set out plan for a fascist takeover.
They deserve everything that’s coming.
“Mr. President, how would you sum up America in a single word?”
At best, this is barely getting coverage because these are the basic expectations of a presidential candidate.
The cat is already out of the bag.
Christ here we go again
I’m glad their giving him a chair.
This is beyond painful. I don’t need to see any more. Please be a patriot(a real one) and pass the torch.
Does Trump get these opportunities too? Thought that was required.
What is the point of the interviews? Everyone saw the debate. Are they going to keep Joe in the race and try to convince us that we’re “misremembering” what we keep seeing?The classic ‘don’t believe your lying eyes’ technique.
Will the questions be provided by Biden camp??
Also, will Biden still screw it up?
Noooooooo…….. Oooooooooooooo…..
Lukewarm take: Neither of these fossils want to be president and they are both shitting the bed, trying to throw the election.
Make sure its before 8 so sleepy Joe can make sure he gets his sleep
I swear if we aren’t able to replace him with someone who can actually beat Trump before the convention, this country is screwed.
Let’s see how many words he fumbles now.
will be as scripted and planned as Pawn Stars
God. Trump just disappearing and letting this all play out is such a smart political movie. I thought for sure he would want to open his mouth.
please stop the elder abuse
The fact that he has to basically be interrogated every few days to convince the public that his brain isn’t degenerating rapidly is the takeaway from this.
I’m sorry, but this guy didn’t even look great in 2020. The fact that his team is asking for 4 more years to lead the most powerful nation in the world is a joke. And I say that as a liberal that is terrified of Trump winning again.
Move over and let someone capable lead, for god’s sake.
He’s all but done.
I just read Clooney ( one of Hollywood elites ) asked Biden to step aside.
They need to be doing these unscripted and live multiple times a day, every day. That’s the way to show us he’s up for the job, doing another one in …. 5 days … isn’t particularly great.
Meanwhile, Diaper Don is missing in action…
This is after NATO — I’m 50/50 that this could be him announcing he’s not going to run
This entire thing is depressing and dumb and the media feeding frenzy is gross
All I know is if Biden loses this Election, it’s on him for not dropping out. Biden’s ego > American people.
Stop with these interviews. Just have a live press conference instead.
Hope he gets to do it before his 8PM bedtime.
Drop out you selfish old turd
At this point Hillary would have a better chance than Joe Biden. Way to fuck it up for the entire country. We are going to loose this election to a convicted felon. What a fucking joke the DNC has become. Bernie, Hillary and now this. No lesson will ever be learned. Might as well vote red down the ballot. Give them House and Senate majority, why not? Not like Democrats give a shit about this country.
Well I imagine he’s not going to have game show host swagger again. That was true of Joe Biden 20 years ago.
I can handle the old man stuff fine. Just don’t say the WRONG things and mean it. That’s the more important thing to me. And it should be to everyone. The good thing about leadership is the physical demands are light and wisdom is a virtue.
Sure, he needs to do this, but the media won’t be appeased. They love this story because it’s so easy to do. Actual stories require effort. This is easy and it gets lots of attention. They’re not giving it up unless there’s a national emergency. Right about now is when, if it was a Republican incumbent, there’d be some kind of war or disaster to draw attention off it.
But Democrats just get her-emails’ed into the ground because Democrats are a very loose coalition that turns on itself and eats its own tail at the first sign of a problem.
This is stressful as fuck. We’re just being told by news media that Biden is useless and too old over and over again. Who is in charge of PR here? How is going out and about doing more interviews going to help at this point? We should be focusing all of our attention on Project 2025, not how old he is ffs.