Things like this amaze me honestly. She’s gorgeous, talented and literally the whole package and she settles for this?? Not that having or not having the above means you should settle for an abuser, but I just cannot grasp why she must choose this guy. Listen to your friends!!!
Comfortable-Load-904 on
You needed them to state the obvious? Seriously! What were you thinking? Beautiful talented and acting like a complete bird behind that abuser. I’m annoyed and I’m not your family member or a friend so I get it and their objections make sense, what is completely insane is you choosing to date him after the fact. I genuinely worry about her safety and wellbeing. Good luck Meagan, you are going to need it.
Yeah, girl! They’re right!
Things like this amaze me honestly. She’s gorgeous, talented and literally the whole package and she settles for this?? Not that having or not having the above means you should settle for an abuser, but I just cannot grasp why she must choose this guy. Listen to your friends!!!
You needed them to state the obvious? Seriously! What were you thinking? Beautiful talented and acting like a complete bird behind that abuser. I’m annoyed and I’m not your family member or a friend so I get it and their objections make sense, what is completely insane is you choosing to date him after the fact. I genuinely worry about her safety and wellbeing. Good luck Meagan, you are going to need it.