‘Knives Out 3’ Sequel Title Revealed: Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery

by impeccabletim


  1. Iwoulddiefcftbatk on

    Daniel Craig looks like he is having a ball in both movies, I really hope the supporting cast for #3 is as strong as the other movies have been.

  2. thepokemonGOAT on

    I really like the Knives Out series, and I think it’s on the precipice of becoming a Hollywood Staple alongside Mission Impossible and Bond. I think it needs to really stick the landing on the third movie, as the second one was a bit polarizing (at least for most people I spoke to about it). They really need to stick to what works in murder-mysteries and stick to their guns. Treat the audience like adults and make something challenging that makes the audience meet you halfway. Don’t spoon feed us with clues or hit us over the head with themes. Let the characters speak for themselves.

  3. I didn’t enjoy the first Knives Out at all, but *really* enjoyed Glass Onion

  4. I like that the director, Rian Johnson has named these films after songs that I believe he said he likes in an interview (I know he is a Radiohead fan). The first – Knives Out – was named after a Radiohead song, Glass Onion is the Beatles, and Wake Up Dead Man most likely after the U2 song of the same name.

  5. i wish “a knives out mystery” didn’t have to be in the title. i know rian johnson said he vehemently rejected the idea of having to add “a knives out mystery.” i get why the studios insist that it’s there but still… anyway, really excited. love all of rian’s work, *poker face* and *brick* are on regular rotation in my house

  6. cranberryskittle on

    Both movies were absurdly predictable (I bet I can predict the villain in the third movie as well, and you can too) but generally pretty entertaining and it’s fun seeing Daniel Craig in a comedic role.

  7. Cat_Toe_Beans_ on

    I loved the first two. I hope they get a good supporting cast for the third installment as well

  8. barkbarkkrabkrab on

    I think these films have started to develop a nice little formula of Craig + murder mystery+ unsubtle social commentary + humor. The social commentary aspect keeps them from falling into the pile of forgettable throwback Agatha Christie mysteries and makes an old timey genre feel fresh.

  9. PiScEsEyEsIAmWeAk on

    Gonna be so good. Second one gave the OG a run for its money. It’d be cool to see a theatrical release

  10. marveloustoebeans on

    At this point I’m down with anything that keeps Johnson away from Star Wars😂

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