The Flintstones opened 30 years ago today from Univershell. Produced by Steven Spielrock and directed by Brian Levant, it starred John Goodman, Rick Moranis, Elizabeth Perkins, & Rosie O’Donnell. Despite harsh reviews, it was a smash hit, grossing $342 million worldwide against a $42 million budget.

by Acrobatic_Ostrich_75


  1. Acrobatic_Ostrich_75 on

    (I’m technically 2 days late but it’s still in the same release week)

  2. Craving_Awesome099 on

    It’s still one of the more divisive cartoon to live action movies but I’ve grown fond of this one over the years. I just love the set design and casting in this, it’s about how I would imagine a live action Flintstones movie being and considering some of the other Hanna-Barbera adaptations that would come after (aka everything not Scoob-Doo), you could certainly do a lot worse than this.

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