Looking back, what are your thoughts on the last season/series finale now? Has it changed or remained the same?

by cowabungalowvera


  1. It hasn’t really disappeared, but it would be much bigger if it stuck the landing. I don’t have numbers on hand, but I remember it being top on streaming for years after it finished. I imagine it still does very well

    Most shows wish they had the attention Game of Thrones continues to get despite a horrible ending

    House of the Dragon is fantastic as well

  2. TellCersei_ItWasMe_ on

    I don’t think it’s disappeared at all. HBO is still continuing to make bank off the GOT universe. House of Dragon is one of (maybe THE) most popular show they have right now, and apparently they have more of them in the works.

    As for the ending, it gets even worse as time passes.

  3. ManonIsTheField on

    Look at reaction videos on YouTube – Game of Thrones (and HoTD) reactions are still making new people money esp on Patreon

  4. Lol aren’t they literally coming out with the second season of House of the Dragon next month? How has it disappeared?

  5. It’s still so much still in the zeitgeist that every few days people make a post about how it is no longer in the zeitgeist

  6. Charming_Miss on

    I did like the ending. The main part of it was obvious that it was going to happen

    However, the execution??? They really did execute it

    We got 2 seasons condensed to less than 10 episodes so the progress of events was just in 10 minutes when earlier it was entire seasons for simpler things

    Rushing it was a mistake

    also why Bran as king? And Jon having to leave? no sense

  7. Inner_Dragonfruit_35 on

    No one wants to remember how they royally fucked up the ending.

  8. LibraryVolunteer on

    Right now there are kindergartens filled with Khaleesis and Aryas and when they get to college it will be hard to remember why.

  9. Cherryandcokes on

    I despised the ending, but the narrative that everyone has suddenly forgotten the show is oddly a forced Very Online opinion. I think it will never be forgotten because it’s also a book series and has spin-offs.

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