Streaming is cable now | Seventeen years after Netflix and Hulu kicked off a streaming revolution, it’s looking more like cable than ever.

by chrisdh79


  1. Perfect-Historian-55 on

    True. Apart from the fact you can opt out of adverts if you want. And can watch what you want when you want on demand. And you can subscribe to any individual service on its own and cancel at any time. And the quality and quantity of content is vastly higher than back in cables day. And you are not tied into an insane $100 dollar a month cost. Apart from that it’s exactly the same.

  2. i don’t get it, i’ve had bundled streaming services through amazon/hulu for like 9 years.

  3. It doesn’t look like cable at all to me.

    Maybe the on demand portion.

    At best it’s the a la carte model people were asking for in cables heyday.

  4. Minus the commercials, minus the baffling ordeal that was changing your package, let alone canceling, with many times the library, for cheaper, with more options/customization.

    Yeah sure, then streaming is cable now.

  5. Bundling has been a thing for years and Netflix had an ambient option a few years back where it would just play random shows based on your history and recommendations like a TV channel. Not sure why that was removed but it’s not like any of these ideas are new.

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