Radio Silence No Longer Attached to ‘ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK’ Requel | BD

by HumanAdhesiveness912

1 Comment

  1. MrShadowKing2020 on

    For the record, it was a rights issue. And I quote: “Gillett told the outlet, “We are not, unfortunately. I think titles like that bounce around for a while and I think they’ve tried to get that out of the blocks a few times. I think it’s just ultimately a tricky rights issue thing. There’s a clock on it and we just weren’t in a position to make the clock, ultimately. But who knows? I think, in hindsight, it feels crazy that we would think we would, post-Scream, step into a John Carpenter franchise. You never know. There’s still interest in it and we’ve had a few conversations about it but we’re not attached in any official capacity.””

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