I was watching Primer and got all confused. Has that happened to you? Like whether with a particular scene or the whole movie?

I’m reminded of Homer Simpson watching Lynch’s Twin Peeks.


Like Homer, I felt Primer was brilliant and yet I found myself lost. I think it’s the editing. It’s done on purpose I’m sure but doesn’t really make it easier for the first time viewer. At least in my opinion.

by ailuvlife


  1. In fairness, everyone gets confused watching *Primer*. There are whole web pages devoted to trying to figure out what the hell happened.

  2. sinned-fiji on

    Synecdoche, New York

    First off, depressing as hell. Second, confusing as hell.

    Watched it more than once and still don’t have all the pieces.

  3. It’s not the editing. It’s a time-travel story of multiple time loops presented out of order, because time loops don’t really have an order

    Watch it again. The clue is Aaron wearing an earphone

  4. chuckerton on

    One of my favorite movies of all time, The Big Sleep. It’s so unnecessarily confusing at times.

  5. I got the generalities of Primer but it definitely took a few viewings and readings to piece it all together. The one that went completely over my head was Synecdoche New York. One of these days I’m gonna try that one again

  6. bullintheheather on

    I often think you have no idea what’s going on in a particular scene or whole movie.

  7. I’ve watched the London City Girl explanation video a few times and still can’t follow the movie.

  8. Ghost_on_Toast on

    Fk yeah, Brick (2005, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt). I did not understand a single spoken word or plot point in that movie. Its completely incomprehensible, unbelievable, rediculous bullcrap.

  9. greg_barton on

    That’s exactly what I loved about Primer. I unwittingly went to one of the first screenings of the movie, and Carruth was there at the end for a Q&A session. There were a lot of “WTF just happened” responses. 🙂 But I loved that the movie didn’t tie it all into a nice digestible package. You were just as mind fucked experiencing the movie as the main characters were in their experiences. And I think that was the point.

  10. insomniac2go on

    Same! So confused by the end, yet I loved it all the same. Have watched it nearly a dozen times over the years and still don’t have it fully straight in my head. I think part of it is how quickly things get crazy when time travel is involved.

  11. TheCowboyIsAnIndian on

    primer is quite specifically a movie that nobody gets the first time around

  12. Primer sucks. It’s truly an emperor’s new clothes type of situation. Most people are too scared to say it’s a bad movie. I’ll get many downvotes for saying this and some snide comments. But primer is the ultimate neck beard film. 

    Oh and the director has been charged with domestic abuse multiple times. So not only is he a shit film maker, he’s a shit human.

  13. Mutt_Bunch on

    Tenet is needlessly confusing. Whenever I think back on it I just picture Nolan giggling in a corner as he screened it for critics.

  14. ThrowingChicken on

    I don’t know what’s going on in most David Lynch movies. I don’t even know if that matters.

  15. Don’t watch his next movie Upstream Color then lol, it’s even more confusing and not very good in my opinion

  16. alexcutyourhair on

    The last act of The Boy and the Heron completely lost me, I didn’t understand what was happening or how it was related to the first 2 acts.

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