While Sony currently has 15 theatrical releases & Paramount has 10, under the Sony-Apollo joint venture, Sony aims to do 20 movies annually with wide release, to compete with other streamers. (The option of the Redstones going with no deal at all is open but how long that lasts remains a question)

by lowell2017


  1. Kingsofsevenseas on

    I like this Sony instance on “compete with streamings” instead of being one them.

    btw 20 wide release (3k+ locations) would be insane, counting with limited release (1k-2k locations) this could mean like 25-30 movies a year to be produced by Sony owned studios. 🤯

  2. KingMario05 on

    So would Paramount be the “mature” label, I guess? Because I’m not really sure how Sony plans to differentiate between Columbia and Paramount otherwise.

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