Hey. I’m Shea Serrano, author of A REAL HUMAN BEING — Dissecting Nine Essential Gosling Movie Roles. It just came out yesterday. AMA!

by SheaSerrano


  1. DangleMcClutch on

    If Vincent Hannah and Big Nick both arrived on a crime scene at the same time, who is the alpha that takes over the case?

  2. No-Bank2152 on

    Which movie prison would you have the best odds of survival/escape?

    Shawshank, Lockout, Arkham, etc.

  3. broseph-chillaxton on

    Hey Shea – You sent me an email with advice like 7 years ago that I still go back to and read every so often, it really meant a lot at the time and I genuinely appreciate it, it gave a lot of clarity when I needed it.

    Two questions:

    1. If every Spurs team of the last 64 years played in a tournament, who would play in the championship game, which years team would win, and who would be tournament MVP?

    2. With self-publishing, how far do some ideas get before you end up scrapping them or knowing they’re winners? With A REAL HUMAN BEING, how long before you knew it would come out, and how many scrapped projects will we never see? Or do you always publish what you write?

  4. If you were on a desert island and could only watch 4 movies for the rest of your life what would they be?

  5. Name your top 5 essential movies for growing up Mexican, and also are you surprised Jamal Murray didn’t get suspended when Amar’e Stoudemire gifted San Antonio a championship by merely stepping on the court?

  6. richardsonjoe on

    You’ve written books on the Office, Hip-Hop, Movies, and Basketball among others. Can you give us a comparable person to Ryan Gosling in each of those categories? Like who in the Office would Gosling be? Which Hip Hop artist?

  7. If every Ryan Gosling character and every Ryan Reynolds character were in a battle against each other who would win?

  8. acreamytortilla on

    What movie (or movies) do you look back on as “life-changing?”

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