*The Air Up There (1994)* is unique in how it intertwines the worlds of basketball and African tribal culture while always keeping it fun.

After watching it, I became obsessed with following traveling professional scouts of all major sports. I know it’s just a movie, but the truth of the matter is that scouts are asked to go halfway across the globe to not only evaluate talent, but also to build a lasting relationship in order to learn as much as they can about the prospect.

Kevin Bacon’s portrayal of a brash basketball coach tasked with going to Africa to recruit a talented tribal player is IMO depicted perfectly. This is a nightmare scenario for any scout, and even though a lot of the specific plot points are exaggerated, Bacon flawlessly represents the archetype of the modern disgruntled scout. Bacon’s character undergoes incredible personal growth, which eventually culminates in his discovery that the love of sports is a shared universal language. Personally, I think Bacon’s portrayal of Jimmy Dolan in *The Air Up There (1994)* is one of his best performances. With only his role as REN in *Footloose (1984)*, Val in *Tremors (1990)*, and Wade in *The River Wild (1994)* being objectively better performances.

The movie takes a deep dive into the common trope of having to make the choice of either pursuing your dreams or doing what your family expects of you. You can’t help yourself from feeling something when watching this movie. The film is riddled with humor that doesn’t at all feel out of place and actually adds to the heartwarming moments. Ultimately, the movie is just simply fun, and effortlessly entertaining.

[*The Air Up There (1994)*](https://youtu.be/SrzzJrCbU_I?si=5BozniZAtl4JhdDG) is a standout film and IMO, a top tier sports film.

by branwithaplan


  1. Amoeba_Infinite on

    I loved this movie so much thanks for the reminder!

    Jimmy Dolan shake and bake!

  2. ahawthorne77 on

    Have you see The Scout? I haven’t watched it since I was kid but if you liked The Air Up There you might like it

  3. TexasPhanka on

    No doubt a great sports movie. From around the same time and basketball, i liked Blue Chips with Nick Nolte, Shaq, and Penny Hardaway. I also thought the Denzel one with a son named Jesus (played very well by a NC 2 guard not named Jordan, help i can’t remember and he was a good player, too).

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