Paul Walter Hauser Joins Marvel’s ‘Fantastic Four’

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. I feel like I’ve seen Hauser cast in three things in the past 48 hours.

    Chris Farley movie, Naked Gun and now this.

    Not complaining at all. More Hauser the better. It’s just weird that it’s all happening at once.

  2. brandonsamd6 on

    didn’t Matt Shakman direct his episode of Always Sunny as the juggalo?

  3. Reggie_Impersonator on

    Hauser was rumored to have been cast in Tarantino’s (now cancelled) next movie

  4. ICumCoffee on

    How many movie is gonna he join in May. That’s like 3rd or 4th casting news about him in just 2 days.

  5. superkickpunch on

    Hopefully they don’t cast Jamie Taco, too. The guy always runs over Pauls lines whenever they’re in a scene together.

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