Christopher Lee singing “Name Your Poison” from the movie “The Return of Captain Invincible” 1983

by Matewan1998


  1. Eastern-Knee731 on

    Christopher Lee’s rendition of “Name Your Poison” in “The Return of Captain Invincible” is a testament to his versatile talent.

  2. truckturner5164 on

    Just watched this for the first time about a week ago. Not a great film but a fun and bizarre one, and you can tell Lee enjoyed getting the chance to sing.

  3. This movie has some legit great gags and good songs. Some of the songs (this one included) is written by Richard O’Brien of Rocky Horror fame.  
    The actual movie is a superhero musical b-movie. It’s definitively worth watching.

  4. Jack_Q_Frost_Jr on

    It’s a very bizarre movie. There’s an opening song, and then like 45 minutes go by with no musical numbers. I actually forgot it was supposed to be a musical, which made it even more surreal when they finally began to sing.

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