I recently saw [this video by Thomas Flight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0T2aE7QQSs) on what makes David Lynch movies David Lynch movies and I found the bottom line to be a very interesting thought:

Often, there are complaints if movies don’t make 100% sense or are super cryptic, but we have other forms of art that are primarily to be *felt* (music, paintings, dance) so why shouldn’t (some) movies be allowed to do the same?

Although it’s not a prime example, I think this train of thought is why I love both new Dune movies so much. They do make sense, tell a clear story, but often we *feel* the worlds and the characters, are sucked in by dense atmosphere rather than words. These movies, in my opinion, truly come to life while *nothing* is said.

by Dota2TradeAccount


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