Universal / DreamWorks Animation’s Kung Fu Panda 4 has passed the $500M global mark. The film grossed an estimated $11.7M internationally this weekend. Estimated international total stands at $318.5M, estimated global total stands at $503.5M.

by DemiFiendRSA


  1. Vadermaulkylo on

    Happy it did. It wasn’t as good as the others but I still had fun and also just love seeing an animated flick do this good.

  2. DirkNowitzkisWife on

    Jack black has had a pretty good run: this, both Jumanjis, Mario, he’s sort of become a bankable/great kids/animated actor

  3. i saw it in 3D and was the only person in the theater, they put the wrong lens on the projecter so the movie was slightly blurry the whole time. i was kind of confused but watched the whole thing out of focus

  4. That’s a nuts hold? Last week KFP4 grossed 27.7M, dropping nearly 40%, & I was a bit worried it was dropping hard and wouldn’t reach KFP3. This week it grossed 23.1M, if these #s are right, dropping just 17%. Were there new markets opening?

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