Thursday’s PostTrak stats for ‘Challengers’: 3 1/2 stars, 75% positive and 56% definite recommend.

by SanderSo47


  1. There goes all the hopes for positive word of mouth. The audiences aren’t digging this movie as much as the critics.

  2. Vadermaulkylo on

    One thing I think may unironically turn off audiences is how there’s really not much sex in it at all. The trailers promised a pretty steamy movie involving threesomes. In the actual movie there is no true threesome nor any real sex scenes.

    Edit: wow 184m followers on instagram is legit insanity. That’s like mega superstar levels. Interesting it doesn’t translate to films like this.

  3. RobbieRecudivist on

    That’s going to be a much bigger problem than so-so preview sales. Any possible path to making back its budget or even getting close assumes WOM matching the very strong reviews.

  4. not good, this doesn’t have a curiosity factor like Civil War to work in its favour. probably a 45-50mill Dom final in absolute best case scenario, worst case 30-35mill

  5. MightySilverWolf on

    What’s with all these movies lately that critics adore but audiences are so-so on? Why the massive disconnect? This doesn’t bode well for *The Fall Guy*.

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