Disney Chief Backs ‘Doctor Who’ As “Really Good Fit” After Ncuti Gatwa’s First Season

by Magister_Xehanort

1 Comment

  1. LawrenceBrolivier on

    Even when it’s good news, there’s that *cloud* just on the horizon, yunno?

    >Disney did not, however, commit to renewing the BBC co-production deal beyond next year’s season, which is overseen by showrunner Russell T Davies.

    >Keelan said: “[*Doctor Who*] is a fabulous series. Obviously, in the UK it’s fully BBC, rightly so. We take rest of world rights. But really, really happy to have it. I think just, the quirkiness of it, the fact that it’s in that sci-fi world and when you think about what Disney offers in other regards, I think it feels like a really good fit to me. I mean it’s great to have it.”

    They are still running with the 5-part UNIT vs. the Sea Devils miniseries that’s happening (boy would I love me a standalone 8th Doctor miniseries as well but that’s probably never gonna happen huh) but while I think Season 1 (or Season 14? God, Doctor Who’s season ordering is just an unnnecessary pain in the ass – Plex owners know what I’m talking about here) was more good than bad, and Ncuti Gatwa is an amazing Doctor, that “hey, we don’t know about any Season 3 just yet” bit is gonna make a lot of folks pretty itchy in the meantime.

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