Olga Kurylenko, Kristofer Hivju Join Dave Bautista, Samuel L. Jackson in ‘Afterburn’ as Filming on Black Bear Action Adventure Gets Underway

by KillerCroc1234567


  1. -FallOutBoy- on

    Kristofer is my crush. And Olga has been gorgeous all her life. This project will be a treat on the eyes at the very minimum.

  2. Black bear action adventure?

    We open with the scene set on a lonely hiking path in the woods.

    A lone woman is out for a jog…

  3. MadeByTango on

    > Set ten years after a solar flare wiped out technology across the globe, “Afterburn” follows ex-soldier Jake (Bautista), who works as a treasure hunter recovering valuable objects from the old world for powerful clients. His latest mission: team up with freedom fighter Drea (Kurylenko) to recover the Mona Lisa before an unhinged warlord gets there first.

    It’s *always* this plot:

    1. Main character is some sort of wandering loner with a special skill that gets them leeway with local leaders to move around in ways others can’t

    1. They cross paths with a scrappy person fighting the local authority

    1. Local authority will stop at nothing to get some McGuffin, and chases our protagonist

    1. McGuffin happens to be something main character has special knowledge of, they’re the “key”

    1. They’ll move across this world, visit some helpful couple or group that gets their last shot at redemption while dying to help the heroes in their quest

    1. The final showdown happens at the McGuffin, day is saved, everyone will live happy in the wasteland now

    They make the same story over and over and think it’s “sci-fi”. I feel like this is the most basic post-apocalypse plot you can come up with.

    I like Kurylenko so I’ll end up seeing this eventually, but it’s not a thrilling pitch blurb from a story perspective. Hope it’s got style.

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