Megan Thee Stallion to provide free generators to vulnerable seniors in her native Houston

by stars_doulikedem


  1. New-Strategy8824 on

    Queen stepping up and providing crucial help where the government is failing to do so, showing true leadership and compassion. 

    Governor Megan Thee Stallion 👑

  2. CalendarAggressive11 on

    This is amazing. Your move Nicki. And paying for lawyers to defend a pedophile don’t count.

  3. Pretend-Panda on

    This is a huge huge deal. The state I’m in has run out of funding for emergency generators for the disabled four times – and requires that the disabled document including a doctors letter – that they need the powered equipment to survive.

    She is the queen of my heart for doing this.

  4. This is so beautiful. I wish I could appreciate it without thinking that it’s *beyond* pathetic a musician needs to step up for her lazy, useless government figures. She shouldn’t have to do that. She shouldn’t care more than the people collecting taxes.

    She’s amazing. I wish the folks whose job it is to step up could meet even half her empathy and dedication.

  5. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    That is amazing and Megan is a queen. However the government should be doing its job and not getting a celebrity to step up to take care of the elderly people of her state. Houston has been losing power and they need to fix the problem.

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